Home Airports Budapest Airport’s Ninth Runway Charity Event

Budapest Airport’s Ninth Runway Charity Event

Budapest Airport’s Ninth Runway Charity Event
Chris Dinsdale, CEO, Budapest Airport. Source Budapest Airport

Following recognition as Anthony Nolan’s Organizational Fundraiser of the Year, Budapest Airport and anna.aero have confirmed this year’s air transport industry charity-sportive event will take place on Saturday, September 18, 2021, on Budapest Airport’s 13R-31L runway.

“We raised a cumulative $262,000 for charity since 2013, the proceeds of this year’s run will be shared between Hungarian disability group SUHANJ! Foundation and international blood cancer charity.” said Anthony Nolan. All entry fees were donated to chosen charities. Runners from airlines, airports and enterprises across the aviation community are invited to join teams from various prestigious companies and athletes from the SUHANJ! Foundation. The race will be comprised of two running distances, a 10km (four runway lengths) and a 5km run.

Chris Dinsdale, CEO, Budapest Airport commented, “In addition to running together in a unique environment, on an airport runway, participants will also support several good causes. We at Budapest Airport believe that social responsibility is important. It is a great pleasure for us to join forces for the aims represented by the SUHANJ! Foundation and Anthony Nolan, for the ninth year in a row.”

Despite the difficulties the pandemic has raised in the aviation community and societies worldwide, Budapest Airport’s key priority is to continue to support noble causes, even more so during testing times. By adapting race conditions, and meeting safety and security regulations, the airport will once again host the unique run as the only major European airport able to commit to the closure of a runway in daylight hours on a Saturday.

“In the face of immense struggles for all, Budapest Airport maintained this great tradition last year and raised almost $24,000, thanks to the participation of nearly 600 runners. We see it as a crucial role to continue our fundraising and look forward to welcoming our loyal supporters, as well as new runners, to our annual run this year,” adds Dinsdale. Budapest Airport will also hold a competition to allow another lucky 100 runners to take part in the race through a prize draw which will be announced on the airport’s social media at a later date.
