Dallas Forth Worth brings customs checks airside


Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) said on 14 August that it had become the first airport in the country to operate a US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Centralized Examination Station on the secure side of an airport.

Compared with operating outside a secure airfield environment, it expedites the direct transfer of cargo from planes to the CBP inspection facility, reducing transportation costs and enhancing efficiency and security, says DFW. The CES was made possible through a partnership between CBP, DFW Airport and dnata Cargo USA, the airport added.

With CBP officers on site, the CES ensures faster inspections and optimal use of CBP resources. It also features the latest non-intrusive inspection technology to expedite cargo exams and speeding up delivery of imported goods.

International e-commerce clearances have increased from just 16,000 in 2020 to 20 million packages in the 2023 fiscal year and, in the first half of fiscal year 2024, have already exceeded 23 million.

DFW’s executive vice president operations, Chris McLaughlin, said: “The CES is a key part of supporting DFW Airport’s rapid growth of international e-commerce package clearances. We’re just beginning to tap into our immense business potential in cargo, thanks to our location in the center of the country, coupled with our extensive air service network. We thank our partners at CBP for choosing DFW as the first airport in the nation to lean into this new operating model.”

CBP Dallas Area port director, Jayson Ahern, added: “By expediting the commercial flow of legitimate goods, this innovative Centralized Examination Station has proven to be an economic stimulus to the region. CBP has assigned officers, agriculture specialists, and supervisors to this facility since its inception, we have seen greater speed and efficiency in clearing cross-border e-commerce and imports targeted for inspection. For the American consumer, it means their products make it to their doorstep faster and safer.

“This CES will serve as a model for future port efforts throughout the United States. Together with our DFW and dnata partners, we’re proud to be on the front end of this innovative effort.”