Get with the program or be grounded, says forwarding chief


The Airforwarders Association (AfA) is urging shippers to enrol on one of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)’s approved programs to avoid the risk of unscreenable cargo not being permitted to fly.

AfA executive director Brandon Fried (pictured on left) warns that new US air cargo security enhancements coming into force in October will affect certain types of freight on international all-cargo flights.

The temporary Impracticable to Screen Amendment will come to an end on 31 October, meaning cargo that cannot be screened using traditional methods due to size or volume restrictions will not be eligible for air transportation unless shippers are enrolled in one of TSA’s authorized cargo security programs.

Shippers that join one of the programs gain trusted status.

Fried said: “There will only be three options after 31 October: join one of the programs, use sea freight instead of air freight or don’t ship cargo at all,” Fried told delegates at the CNS Partnership Conference in Miami on 5 June. “TSA is holding the line on this, there will be no extension.”

AfA will be holding its next face-to-face meeting about the security programs on 27 June in Chicago, working with the International Air Cargo Association of Chicago and the Chicago Brokers and Forwarders Association, followed by events in New York and Los Angeles.