GSAs for the post-Covid world – updated


ECS Group says it has taken the archetypal airfreight general sales agent (GSA) concept “to a whole new level” to help its customers cope with the effects of Covid. As smaller and medium-sized airlines begin to ramp up again, they may face a number of organisational challenges, many of them related to lack of staff. ECS says it can lift the burden and that its Augmented GSA concept goes far beyond traditional sales activities.

ECS’ new offering is built on the four pillars of: New Abilities, Technology, Commercial, and Sustainability. The New Abilities pillar contains 10 single modules such as the established Total Cargo Management (TCM) solution which covers all operational requirements, data-scanning and quality and safety management.

The Technology pillar enables process efficiencies through in-house digital solutions, while the Commercial pillar makes use of these technologies to provide business data and ultimately greater financial success. The Sustainability pillar tackles environmental, diversity, and social responsibility issues. 

Airline partners can select any of the four pillars, as well as their individual components to configure an individualised support structure.

ECS adds that it will introduce the pillars and components in greater detail, along with their new brand names, over the next few weeks and months.

ECS group chairman and chief executive, Adrien Thominet, explained that the devastating effect of the pandemic on the aviation industry had promoted the company to bring forward its plan: “Over the course of the past almost quarter of a century, serving hundreds of airlines of all shapes and sizes across the globe, ECS Group has developed a huge and diverse skill set, and it is this that we have now structured to form our innovative Augmented GSA concept.”

CHAMP Cargosystems and ECS Group signed a new Cargospot contract at the IATA World Cargo Symposium in Dublin on 12 October. The new contract between the two companies, which have worked together since 2002, is based on the latest Software as a Service version of CHAMP’s improved cargo management application.