Modern Logistics embarks on pan-American expansion


Brazil’s Modern Logistics is to extend its service to Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay, followed by Mexico and the US within the next six to twelve months as part of a two-stage strategy for international expansion.

The carrier, which Modern Logistics is offers an integrated logistics capacity of 20 to 22 tons per leg.

It follows Modern Logistics’ acquisition of two 737-800 Boeing Converted Freighters (BCFs) over the past year, the first ever of their type in Brazil’s logistics industry. It is now looking to acquire two additional aircraft is 12 months to cater to underserved regional airports as part of its five-year plan.

Modern Logistics, founded in 2012, is an integrated logistics company based in São Paulo, Brazil and offers a one-stop-shop model using air freighters.

Both 737 NGs are leased through Babcock & Brown Aircraft Management (BBAM) and have a cargo capacity 10% larger than the previous generation of 737s. 

Modern Logistics chief executive Cristiano Koga stated: “The additional capacity and efficiency of the new aircraft will assure the future success of the company by hastening entry into international makets and better responding to the needs and requirements of our clients.”

Currently, Modern Logistics has three classic 737s in its fleet and the company will operate both classic 737s and NGs over the near term.

Modern Logistics’ operates a 32,000sq ft cargo facility at Sao Paulo’s Viracopos airport able to accommodate several cargo aircraft simultaneously, is equipped to handle high-value cargo such as industrial, automotive, technology, clothing and electronics,. A special distribution center was opened at Viracopos exclusively serving the pharmaceutical sector. The company’s approved partners also operate over 6,000 road vehicles.