Cool Chain Association to start pharma trials


The Cool Chain Association is to launch trails for temperature-controlled pharma shipments, following the conclusion of recent research into food perishables.

It will partner with member Lamprecht Pharma Logistics AG to track the most critical parts of the pharmaceutical supply chain, identifying pain points to further optimise performance.

The trial will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2023.

CCA has meanwhile produced a best practice video for perishables based on recent trials by another member, the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB).

The trials examined transportation of raspberries and cut flowers from South Africa to the UK and Europe, and advisessuggested handling procedures to protect product integrity and maximise shelf-life.

The video explores highlights good agricultural practices, requirements for fresh air ventilation and taint, and recommendations for thermal protection of perishable products, including cartons, packaging, and labelling.

The guidance also covers optimal aircraft loading and transport procedures, and cold storage and pre-cooling of perishable products, offering advice on specific temperatures.