Leaser to convert 13 more 737s to freighters


Aircraft leaser Aero Capital Solutions says it has committed to convert an additional 13 Boeing 737-800SF to freighters.

The conversions will be carried out in conjunction with an STC (supplemental type certificate) provided by Aeronautical Engineers (AEI), and will add to the 21 aircraft that ACS has already committed for conversion.

The first of the additional aircraft will start modification with Commercial Jet in Miami in March 2023. The remaining 12 aircraft modifications will be distributed between Commercial Jet, KF Aerospace and HAECO Xiamen with work on the final aircraft starting in December 2023.

On completion, ACS’ total freighter portfolio will comprise of 34 Boeing 737-800SF aircraft.

Founder and chief executive Jason Barany, said: “Air cargo demand remains strong, even as we emerge from Covid, driven by factors including a long term upward shift in consumer e-commerce use. Our growing fleet of efficient narrowbody freighters has been created to meet the rapidly expanding needs of cargo operators and express carriers.”