WFS launches auto vehicle trial in Barcelona


Worldwide Flight Services (WFS), a member of the SATS Group, has started a proof-of-concept trial of autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) at its cargo terminal at Barcelona Airport.

The trial of Linde AGV forklift trucks will last for seven months and, if successful, similar machines will be rolled out across other WFS stations in the Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia (EMEAA) region.

They will move cargo from the breakdown areas to racking storage locations within the warehouse as well as to the cargo delivery area.

Two types of AGV forklifts have been chosen for their ability to provide automated transport of pallets and to serve both low and high cargo storage positions. The trial has also integrated WFS’s Cargospot Mobile warehouse management system, supplied by CHAMP Cargosystems, with AGV Robotic WMS to provide a one-system solution.

WFS is actively exploring automation, with trials also including AGV ground handling tractors to move cargo between warehouse and airport apron operations.

The AGV forklift trial will explore how the vehicles are able to reduce the number of transport tasks currently undertaken by personnel, giving them more time for other important duties, as well as assess opportunities for productivity improvements.