Women’s group launches mentoring scheme


Women in Aviation and Logistics (WAL) has launched its mentorship scheme, matching 27 industry leaders – 16 women and 11 men – with aspiring female professionals around the world. The free-to-join programme will run until April, with mentors and mentees making a minimum four-hour commitment over four months. Participants will provide their feedback and lessons learnt at the end of their mentorship for further improvement of the programme.

The programme aims to empower female professionals who will be the future heads of cargo companies and board members.

Chief commercial officer of aviation software firm Awery, and WAL mentor, Tristan Koch: said: “I am delighted to be part of the WAL initiative and I hope that my experience of the air cargo industry will be helpful in ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity of succeeding in what is a vitally important global service. I was fortunate to be one of the inaugural mentors on the American Airlines’ mentorship programme promoting female development throughout the company.

“I saw the incredible success stories that emanated from that and am keen to take that to the wider industry.”

Megha Palkar, assistant manager at IATA’s Cargo iQ quality program and WAL mentee, added: “The mentoring programme and database of speakers are concrete steps that can change the tone of the entire industry. I am looking forward to learning from the experience of ‘people that made it’ and making air cargo a more innovative and equitable space for all.”

Over 50 delegates joined the WAL mentorship kick-off call hosted by Céline Hourcade (pictured top left) and Meantime Communications’ Emma Murray (bottom left).